The kind folks over at AMBSN are putting on one of their splendid champagne and hot dog art shows up in San Luis Obispo this Friday beginning at 7pm at the Smith Building. This show is definitely worth the drive, if not for the sake of seeing fresh art then for the sake of knowing that a teeny tiny $10 donation to help fight a friends battle with cancer also gets you 3 hot dogs and three beers ( I don't personally recommend eating 3 hot dogs in the same day or week... or even year for that matter but hey it's a party eat three hot dogs and poop a Buick). Admission is free but if you donate some $$ the beer will taste that much better!
Some of the ridiculously talented artists that will have pieces at the show include: Russ Pope, Chance Nova, Burl, Eric Soderquist, Shannon Menzel, Dylan Odbert, Jeff Claassen and Jimmy Aproberts.
Check out more freshness at the AMBSN website.
Some of the ridiculously talented artists that will have pieces at the show include: Russ Pope, Chance Nova, Burl, Eric Soderquist, Shannon Menzel, Dylan Odbert, Jeff Claassen and Jimmy Aproberts.
Check out more freshness at the AMBSN website.
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