Twitter Me This!

So obviously I haven't been writing all that much this week but fuck this takes a lot of effort. So I'm going to half ass this one too... Enjoy! There is this great new invention called the Internet! On this "Internet" people have the opportunity to post informative, educational and entertaining material. While most of the Internet is delegated to sites that cost $2.99 a month, make my right arm and wrist tired there are a few that are simply, for lack of better words witty and effervescent. I came across something special, this site or "page" falls under the gargantuous Twitter umbrella and is called "Shit My Dad Says". The title explains it all, a young man 29 years of age who happens to still live at home with his mother and 73 year old father writes down the nutty shit that spews forth from his dads jowls. Small blerps of elderly genius that only appear in the most seasoned and salty of geriatric candidates. These small blessings normally come daily and will with no doubt in my mind make you smile even if just for a brief moment whether simply from the pureness of the comedy or the comparable memory it creates from shit your own dad says.

eg. "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fucked you."


.Stinky Britches.

Casa Surf Project

Oh Laguna Beach you have spawned so many illustrious television shows and tumultuous cat fights over the years. What could you possibly have to offer us now besides marvelous art and a stupendous little beach community? What's that you say? Gloriously designed hotels, sculpted by some of the best in the Surf / Skate/ Fashion Industry... well now that is a pleasant surprise that even Kristin Cavallari and LC would have to agree on. Just the fact that I have referenced the MTV show Laguna Beach in my blog makes me extremely depressed and disheartened in the strength of my own soul. Uhhh... now my thoughts are slightly discombobulated and I feel inebriated to the point of becoming ill.

Back to the legitimate subject of this post, The Casa Surf Project! Riviera Magazine paired up with the La Casa del Camino Hotel and allowed 10 of Southern California's premier surf/skate/ fashion designers to go to town on several rooms in the hotel. The companies that were fortunate enough to participate are; Billabong, Roxy, Glaceau, Etnies, ...Lost, Quiksilver, L*Space, Rip Curl and Riviera Mag. What they created is surprisingly eloquent but at the same time a testament to the maturity and growth that the action sports community has undergone. 10 years ago if you gave ...Lost free reign on a hotel room you better hope that you have great insurance because something or someone would probably catch on fire and your hotel may or may not end up condemned. At very least you would be left with a powerful odor that stings the nostrils. Fast forward 10 year to today and you get a romantic villa inspired hotel room. To check out all of the great rooms hit up Casa Surf Project. The overall best part is that these rooms are available to anyone so maybe one day you can brag to your sewing circle about getting freaky naughty in the Billabong room.

May I politely raid your mini bar?

.Stinky Britches.


Not Your Normal Tree House

A tree falls in your backyard... does it make a sound? Yup and it makes a kick ass tree house! Well at least it did when a tree fell in the backyard of a Brentwood estate owned by an art lover and philanthropist. Rockefeller Partners Architects went to town when a 40 foot pine tree went down for the count. But instead of chopping up this prepubescent pinewood derby car the still living tree was incorporated into a glorious structure that is more art than domicile. At Only 172 sq. ft. you're probably thinking they just jammed a Murphy bed and ran a hose up there so the guest had a place to sleep and some water to rinse off their down belows... Nope, this dainty dwelling has a bed, office, microwave, fridge and even a crapper to keep its guests happy. However, if you enjoy belting out the latest hot single from Miss Spears while showering be ready to share your larynx love with the neighbors because you be havin an outdoor shower yo!

Other than the fact you might get caught scrubbing your dirties by the neighbors this has to be one of the most well designed "tree houses" in so cal.


.Stinky Britches.

Republicans Boycott Climate Change Committee

Yes yes, I do know that this is my second political post in a row and I know that they are boring as women's basketball but I'm having trouble wrapping my melon around today’s political climate. The more I read about the political party divide in our country the less I can comprehend how these childish politicians get elected year after year. On Tuesday there was a Senate Committee hearing discussing a bill dealing with green house gas emissions. The committee is made up of 7 Republicans and 12 Democrats and was set to tackle a very important emissions bill so the committee can send it on its way to the full Senate for a vote. Well guess who decided to boycott the meeting... (Yes I know you read the title of this post so you already know) the Republicans. Actually 1 Republican did show up, who really cares what his name is at this point but he did show up for a few minutes to read the opening statements then he bailed. The Democrats are still waiting for the Republicans to magically appear and discuss this important topic that in one way or another will affect every single American.

So those are the facts, here is my question. How in the feck does not showing up for a meeting that will affect all of your constituents contribute to healthy government and ultimately a healthy America? (I use the term "healthy" in both a literal and figurative sense) The bill does have to do with green house gas emissions and climate change after all so health should fit in there somewhere. We are paying these politicians to run our government, their job is to make America run smoothly and make sure we continue to be the "Greatest nation in the world". How does not showing up for your job help? I understand that the 2 parties don't agree on this emissions bill but that's the derivative of the committee, come to an agreement through negotiation. You know... the old give and take, sharing is caring that we learned in kindergarten. Now, I know every politician answers to a higher power… aka corporations. Through lobbyists whose only job is to make sure the influential politicians vote in their corporations favor by dipping their putrid black mitts so far in their pockets they're practically giving them a reach around. Whewwwww! I feel good knowing that my government is hard at work with our best interests in mind. Today was election day so I hope that if you voted it was a researched informed decision and for a politician that is mature enough to think of more than their party's ideals and maybe care if only a little for the good of America and the citizens they represent.

Where are the lobbyists for the American people??

.Stinky Britches.
P.S. I promise no more politics for a while.